Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Flesh Tearers

A bit of history:

So I have been playing 40k since about August of last year (2008), however I played all forms of Games Workshop stuff when I was 12 to 15-16ish, which is over a decade ago (I'm getting old). I had a fairly extensive amount of models stored away in my parents garage somewhere. Over christmas I unearthed most of them, and brought a bunch back to the east coast with me. I now have a crapton of CSM, Necrons, more Nids, and C:SM stuff. I decided to use all the leftover Space Marines for a Flesh Tearers force, as Blood Angels were one of my old loves, but wanted to mix it up a bit. I like the Flesh Tearers look a bit more than the Blood Angels, it has a bit more compositional balance with the black added to the red, and I feel like there are a billion Blood Angels players around, and having a different army is nice.

Here are my Flesh Tearers right now:

Squad 1

Squad 2

Squad 3 - I don't know why this picture came out way worse.

Attack Bike

Death Company + Chaplain

Chaplain Detail

Commander Kharnte

Current Army Shot (06.27.09) - (Can't figure out why the image doesn't resize, so part is cut off, click image to see full size pic)

One thing definitely neglected are the vehicles. This is a mech force and I do have a lot of vehicles that need to be painted that are not shown. Soon hopefully I'll have some ready to show. I do know that Flesh Tearers aren't traditionally supposed to have vehicles but I wanted a mech army, so whatever to that fluff. I don't even logically understand how an army can exist without any kind of troop transport or tanks, do they just footslog it between battles? Whatever, I don't care to argue about that, bottom line is my Flesh Tearers have vehicles. I think I'll be making some separate posts about various units in the coming days so stay tuned.

Any C&C are welcome.


Monday, June 8, 2009


Well, it's been awhile since I set this blog up and I would like to start giving it a bit more attention.  Life's been busy and most 40k stuff has been on hold.  I'm currently in the process of making a Flesh Tearers force and it's coming along nicely, hopefully I can get some progress pics up soon.

In the mean time, I'd like to post pictures of my 1850 pt. Nidzilla force - HIVE FLEET CMYKRGB, which I've been gaming with for the past few months. Please excuse the poor pics.

This is probably a pretty unorthodox paint scheme, especially put to a tyranid army. Fluff is not something I care about in the same way GW would like me to. The initial scheme was to make a tabletop army that looked like updated abstract game pieces from those generic milton bradely games, ie sorry, candyland, hungry hippo whatever, etc. I think it has a very playful graphic designy/candyland/power rangers kind of feel to it. I'm quite pleased with the results, mainly because the look of understated absurdity being taken so seriously.

My 15 year old self would have probably thought it insane to paint an army like this. but getting older has definitely changed what I think is awesome.